Tips to Make Moving House Easier

Moving house, they say, is one of the most stressful things you can do in life. After all, there are so many moving parts, people involved, and things that could, potentially, go wrong. You can’t fully control every aspect of a house move but by getting a grip on the things you can control, the experience gets a whole lot easier.

Plan Ahead

As soon as you know you’re definitely moving, start planning. Make a moving timeline if you can, bearing in mind that deadlines can change with short notice. Make lists of everyone you need to inform from your employer to your utilities company and keep the lists handy so you can tick off jobs once they’re done. It can help you stop second-guessing yourself and repeating or constantly checking if something is done. Because moving house is an evolving process, updating lists regularly by adding things as well as crossing off completed tasks.


Take the opportunity to have a thorough declutter so packing is easier. Go through the whole house, sorting out the things you want versus the things you’ve got but have forgotten all about and can ditch. As a bonus, if you do this before you even put your current house on the market, you’ll find it a lot easier to keep clean and tidy for viewings and it could score you a quicker sale.

Stock Up on Packing Materials

Start gathering boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and packing paper early on, and begin the packing up process with items you’re taking but don’t use every day. If you still read printed newspapers or magazines, save them for packing paper. Sturdy cardboard boxes can often be sourced in supermarkets, or you can buy cardboard boxes made for the purpose.

Pack Strategically

You could start with kitchen appliances not in use, hobby stuff that’s lying idle, collections of items, or a dozen other things we treasure but don’t use regularly. You can use spare towels or clothing to cushion fragile items to save on paper and space. When a box is packed, stick a label on it stating exactly what’s in there by writing ‘saucepans and baking trays’ instead of ‘kitchen stuff’. If you want to get really organised so you’re not living with piles of boxes, rent a self-storage unit to give yourself some breathing space.

Rope in Family and Friends

Moving house is a lot of work over quite a long period of time, so don’t be shy about asking for help. Family and friends may be willing to help fill a box or two or mind pets or children while you crack on. If you’re doing most of the moving, you will also appreciate some help loading and unloading the removals van.

Use a Removal Company

If the budget runs to it, bring in the professionals to really streamline moving day. Start your research early on and ask lots of questions such as services included and best times to book. Companies can get booked up months in advance so if this is your plan get it organised as soon as possible. There is some great advice on finding and hiring removal companies online.

Use Your Camera

Take photos of complicated wiring setups or furniture assemblies before you unplug or dismantle anything. We always think we’ll remember how something goes back together, but in practice, it’s often not the case. A quick snap on your phone saves you from having to memorise anything when there are a hundred other things on your mind.

Pack an Essentials or Overnight Box

Arriving at a new house with a jigsaw of boxes can be dispiriting. Make it a bit easier on yourself by packing a special essentials box filled with the things you’ll need as soon as you get there. Include food, snacks, necessary electricals, toiletries, and a change of clothes as well as bedding. You can tackle the bulk of unpacking once you’re refreshed and rested.

Moving house should be energising and exciting, opening a new chapter in your life and leading you to a brighter future. There’s lots you can do throughout the process to make it so, and hopefully, these few tips will get you going in the right direction.

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